Part of the Fife Kickboxing Blackbelt test is to “organise or participate in a fund-raising charity/community project”. The physical preparation for the blackbelt grading is tough and it requires a lot of self focus on fitness, technique and mindset. We like to push our students to look outward from their small training world and see what they can do to contribute in a small way to their communities.
Our blackbelt candidate Lisa Eadie chose to raise money for CHAS and below is her reflection of the event.
17th September 2023
The criteria for my Kickboxing Blackbelt included a charitable event or the organising of one. Having started a new job recently, coupled with training and family commitments the chances of finding the time to organise an event were slim.
I stumbled upon the Kiltwalk while browsing social media. Walking is my passion, however, walking the twenty-one miles in one go is not something I have done before. Admittedly, due to studying for the last twelve months, my walking had taken a back seat so my legs and feet were not conditioned for such a lengthy stride. There was an option to do a fifteen-mile walk but in the past, I have comfortably completed sixteen miles and wanted to challenge myself.
The Kiltwalk is a charitable event so tied in nicely with the criteria for Blackbelt. The charity Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) was familiar as they have a children’s hospice close to where I live and I have friends that have been supported by the charity.
After very little sleep the night before, Sunday the 17th was kickstarted by lots of coffee. Arrival at the event saw my friend and I plunged into the mix with thousands of walkers all raring to go and dedicated to raising money for their various charities. The atmosphere was brilliant. Cheery souls everywhere, full of positivity. The length of the walk provided many opportunities to chat with folk in the passing and the unfamiliar route made the walk hugely interesting. I am happy to report that I completed the walk in just over six hours without blisters or leg pain and despite my feet aching they managed to walk me into the food tent for my complimentary end-of-event meal.
I am delighted and proud that my efforts raised £301.00 for Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) and I am now committed to looking into further events for charity as having the ability to give back through physical challenge is so satisfying.